Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Two Phrases you Hear Leaders Say

Leaders influence others through a combination of recognition and accountability. This thought struck me today as I was thinking about one of the times I heard Steve Gilliland speak at a SHRM Conference and he was speaking about his secretary Margaret. He recounted that on the first day they worked together, she told him that she had worked for managers, directors, and high level executives, but, she had never worked for a leader.

I thought about this as I was thinking about all of the people for whom I had worked in my 38 year career in health care and I sort of felt the same way. I have worked for all levels of supervision, but out of that bunch there were few true leaders. People who led through their ability to influence others. In thinking about these few people, I tried to think of what, if any, characteristics, they shared, and I came up with two things they said, when it was appropriate to say them.

The first phrase they used regularly was thank you. Thank you for a job well done, thank you for going out of your way, thank you for pointing that out. They delivered recognition to those people who deserved it and delivered it at the right times. This feedback was sincere in its delivery and never sounded perfunctory. These folks got more mileage out of those two words than I ever thought was possible and they have set an example for me that I try to live up to each day.

The second phrase they used whenever they needed to was, "I'm sorry. I messed up. What can I do to make this right?" When a leader uses this phrase, holding himself or herself accountable for his or her behavior, that leader sets a standard of accountability for those people who are led by him or her. These leaders show their people that they are not perfect, but, they are willing to correct their mistakes and make things as "right" as possible. That self-accountability, enables them to demand, and expect, that same level of self-accountability from their people. From this, a leader can build a culture of accountability throughout his or her entire team.

Two phrases, huge impact. Have you had the experience of working with leaders who used these phrases regularly? I would really like to hear about it.

Be well.

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